Our specialty has always been in the Commercial and Industrial fields, we are custom to the high pace commercial and heavy industrial projects. We take pride in our top quality work and our very organized staff. We have never turned a job over late or unprofessionally….we just make it happen.
We currently have 23 employees with a solid mixture of Master, Journeymen, and apprentice electricians. Brenner Electric pays for all the schooling of our apprentices, and it is a requirement for them to attend and do well in class.
Brenner Electric has a very keen sense of our customer’s needs and privacy, and we cater to those elements. At Brenner Electric we only employ top notch, trustworthy, hard working people committed to growth, both personally and professionally.
"If it's not safe don't do it period."
Safety and Quality are both #1 in our book, we have regular safety meetings and we continually preach “If it’s not safe don’t do it…period”. We are very committed to our work, but at the end of the day it’s not worth anyone getting hurt, our employees and their families are more important.
Pete Meldrum & Pat O'Grady
Over 25+ years of experience.